Macro wiwi::rust_std::future::join

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pub macro join($($fut:expr),+ $(,)?) {
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (future_join)
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Polls multiple futures simultaneously, returning a tuple of all results once complete.

While join!(a, b).await is similar to (a.await, b.await), join! polls both futures concurrently and is therefore more efficient.



use std::future::join;

async fn one() -> usize { 1 }
async fn two() -> usize { 2 }

let x = join!(one(), two()).await;
assert_eq!(x, (1, 2));

join! is variadic, so you can pass any number of futures:


use std::future::join;

async fn one() -> usize { 1 }
async fn two() -> usize { 2 }
async fn three() -> usize { 3 }

let x = join!(one(), two(), three()).await;
assert_eq!(x, (1, 2, 3));