Macro wiwi::rust_std::assert_matches::assert_matches

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pub macro assert_matches {
    ($left:expr, $(|)? $($pattern:pat_param)|+ $(if $guard:expr)? $(,)?) => { ... },
    ($left:expr, $(|)? $($pattern:pat_param)|+ $(if $guard:expr)?, $($arg:tt)+) => { ... },
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (assert_matches)
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Asserts that an expression matches the provided pattern.

This macro is generally preferable to assert!(matches!(value, pattern)), because it can print the debug representation of the actual value shape that did not meet expectations. In contrast, using assert! will only print that expectations were not met, but not why.

The pattern syntax is exactly the same as found in a match arm and the matches! macro. The optional if guard can be used to add additional checks that must be true for the matched value, otherwise this macro will panic.

Assertions are always checked in both debug and release builds, and cannot be disabled. See debug_assert_matches! for assertions that are disabled in release builds by default.

On panic, this macro will print the value of the expression with its debug representation.

Like assert!, this macro has a second form, where a custom panic message can be provided.



use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;

let a = Some(345);
let b = Some(56);
assert_matches!(a, Some(_));
assert_matches!(b, Some(_));

assert_matches!(a, Some(345));
assert_matches!(a, Some(345) | None);

// assert_matches!(a, None); // panics
// assert_matches!(b, Some(345)); // panics
// assert_matches!(b, Some(345) | None); // panics

assert_matches!(a, Some(x) if x > 100);
// assert_matches!(a, Some(x) if x < 100); // panics