Function wiwi::rust_std::arch::x86_64::_mm_inserti_si64

1.82.0 · source ·
pub unsafe fn _mm_inserti_si64<const LEN: i32, const IDX: i32>(
    x: __m128i,
    y: __m128i,
) -> __m128i
Available on x86-64 only.
Expand description

Inserts the len least-significant bits from the lower 64 bits of the 128-bit integer vector operand y into the lower 64 bits of the 128-bit integer vector operand x at the index idx and of the length len.

idx specifies the index of the LSB. len specifies the number of bits to insert. If length and index are both zero, bits [63:0] of parameter x are replaced with bits [63:0] of parameter y. It is a compile-time error for len + idx to be greater than 64 or for len to be zero and idx to be non-zero.